Comparison of several physical differences between Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin and Common Bottlenose Dolphin[3][6][7][38]
 | Adapted from Wang et al., 2000[11] |
 | Adapted from Wang et al., 2000[11] |
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)
Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
- Found on the ventral side of a mature adult
- Freckling increases with age
- Absence of freckling on both mature and juveniles
Body Size
Head and Melon
- Longer, slender and tapered more abruptly towards the end of the rostrum
- Shorter and wider rostrum that tapers off minimally towards the end of the rostrum
Dorsal Fin
- Dorsal fins have a broader base at the connection point to the body
- Dorsal fins have a narrower base at the connection point to the body
Biological Species Concept
A concept that defines species as groups of organisms that can interbreed in nature, successfully having several reproductive generations.
A group of marine organisms with a prominent head and a set of arms or tentacles. Commonly know cephalopods are squids, octopuses, nautiluses etc.
Consists of a group of marine mammals containing whales, porpoises and dolphins.
A form of camouflage whereby the colouration pattern of the animal is darker at the top and lighter at the underside of the body. Commonly seen in marine animals such as sharks, dolphins, rays etc.
The study of electrical properties of cells and tissues within the body
Searching for food sources in the wild
A common body shape, characterized by the tapering at both the head and the tail, for many aquatic animals.
The time period where the foetus is held within the mother's body between conception and birth
Heterodont dentition
Having different forms of teeth e.g. molar, canines, incisors, premolars
Holotype/type specimen
The original specimen in which a description of a new species is made from
Homodont dentition
All teeth having the same shape
The process where two different species or breeds produce an offspring. The resulting offspring is known as a hybrid.
The secretion of milk from the mammary glands of a mother to feed her young.
Expected length of life
An evolutionary understanding and portrayal of a line of descent, with each species as a result of speciation from the direct ancestral species
A group of warm blooded animals distinguished by the presence of hair, mammary glands and breathing through lungs.
The DNA located in the mitochondria.
Morphology is the study of the form and structure of organisms, both internal and external.
Native range
The natural regions and area that the species is found in, without human intervention.
The scientific study of bones
Reproductive Isolation
The inability for different species to breed and produce offsprings that are virile.
Scientific name
A formal naming system of living organisms that has two parts. Both words are in Latin. The first part refers to the genus and second part the species e.g. Homo sapiens Genus: Homo. Species: sapiens
Two species are considered sympatric if they exist within the same geographical range and thus encounters each other.
A scientific name that has been previously used to name a specific taxon.
The sense of touch
Taxon (Singular)
Taxa (Plural)
A grouping of organisms, by taxonomists, to form a unit. Commonly known taxa are Kingdom, Phylum, Species etc.
Ultrasonic frequency
A frequency of sound that exceeds the upper limit of the human audible range.
The underside of the body.